Offers in the field of Prevention and Health care


Yoga is a traditional, theoretical and practical philosophy system that was developed in India thousands of years ago based on direct experience. These experiences were summarized by the wise man Patanjali in his famous work “Yoga-Sutra” under the form of aphorisms and concise statements and thus have been passed on until today.



Meditation is derived from the Latin word meditatio, which means “to align with the center”. Through exercises of mindfulness or concentration, a change in the state of consciousness is aimed for. In Asian cultures this change of consciousness is of central importance. A feeling of becoming one, a reduced perception of external events, the immersion in mind, body or soul are the goal of every meditation.


Sound Bath

Hearing and Feeling Sound – When working with a body as an instrument, sound is not only being heard but also felt. The vibration is perceptible throughout the body. Harmonious vibrations fill all cells and tissue structures, skin and bones with subtle matter. The human being himself becomes a part of the sound body.

Ganzheitliche Ernährung

Holistic Nutrition

A key to understanding a holistic nutrition and lifestyle is the function of our subtle energy fields. Nutrition is not an isolated area of life – nutrition is rather one of many areas through which we absorb energy. According to Paavo Airola, the essential factors for a healthy and long life are a natural, fresh, mature and simple diet with few calories, little fat and little protein from vegetable food in addition to systematically eating too little, physical exercise and fresh air, a satisfied relaxed and loving atmosphere plus a positive state of mind and inner peace.
