In Harmony with Living Space

Many disharmonies and also diseases in the living or working environment are triggered by unfavourable energetic conditions. Clients often report that they do not feel comfortable in certain places or have problems sleeping. A living space harmonization can lead to a significant improvement in general well-being and health.


Geomantic investigation and consultation

From time immemorial it has always been important for people to live in places and buildings that are perceived as positive and harmonious. We know from many ancient cultures that people had a natural sense of energy flows and centres in the landscape. Quite deliberately, these places were chosen and designed, for example as holy places, places of worship, meeting places and places of residence. At a very early stage, mankind has been dealing with the special energy fields of the earth and thus has gained a lot of knowledge about the connections with regard to earth energies, plants, animals and humans. Many artistic methods were developed to live in harmony with the earth and the personal living space.

Protection against Electrosmog, Earth radiation, Water veins

Our earth is characterized by very different energy fields. Naturally, there is a balanced relationship between “positive and negative” forces. However, due to our modern construction and technology, we often disregard and disturb the natural energy flows to an alarming degree.

The geomantic investigation provides information about energetic structures such as interference zones, electrosmog, water veins or even positive force fields. With the help of energies directed through me and the means of geomancy the disturbed negative earth energies (such as left-turning water veins, disturbing earth meridians and grids) can be brought back into a harmonious balance. For this purpose I work with my own sensitive energy perception and, in addition, receive mediumistic information. In order to make these perceptions comprehensible to people, I use radiesthetic devices (e.g. rods, Lecher antenna or pendulum).

All energetic disturbances are permanently neutralized, and previously draining and depleting energies are transformed into constructive ones. This eliminates the need to avoid earth radiation or water veins, switch rooms, rearrange furniture, move beds, relocate, or even purchase expensive interference-neutralizing devices.

A positive, balanced energy situation always has a beneficial and energizing effect on people and animals.

Our blog on geomancy

Geomancy: An Introduction into the Art of Earth Divination

Geomancy: An Introduction into the Art of Earth Divination Geomancy, literally meaning “divining the earth,” is an ancient art that explores the subtle energies flowing through the landscape, influencing everything from health and wealth to the harmony within homes, gardens, and offices. By working with these natural earth energies, geomancy seeks to enhance the relationship…

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Geomancy for your Business

Geomancy for your Business: The Key to a Healthy and Successful Work Environment Introduction to Corporate Geomancy A healthy, successful and harmonious working environment is the dream of every entrepreneur. However, satisfied and loyal employees, enthusiastic customers, financial success and a fulfilling working atmosphere are no coincidence. These elements are often directly related to the…

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Geomancy: The Art of Harmonizing Space and Earth

Geomancy: The Art of Harmonizing Space and Earth Geomancy is an ancient art and science that deals with the perception and harmonization of the subtle energies of places and spaces. It combines ancient knowledge with modern knowledge to restore the energetic balance of our living and working spaces. What is Geomancy? The term “geomancy” comes…

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“Hello Mr. Wegener, enclosed is the report on the house cleaning.

Geomantic services of single-family homes and company premises

“The feeling of living before and after house cleaning is worlds apart. Before cleaning our family home, I always felt exhausted and drained and slept badly. Now, sleep is heavenly after cleansing: a really deep, restful sleep. During the day I feel fitter, have more energy, things are easier for me and are done much faster.

My husband was so enthusiastic about it that he also had his entire company premises cleared. Now we go into the company with a completely different feeling. We feel much more comfortable there and have more energy for the day. Our employees, who have always complained about tiredness and exhaustion seem vital and fit since cleaning.

All in all, the geomantic services was worth every penny. A whole new and fresh attitude to life has developed! My husband and I are glad that we found out about it and decided to hold it quite spontaneously. That not only sounds good, it also feels really good!”

Beratung und Coaching Andreas Wegener

Consulting & Coaching

You are the centre of my consultation – with your own wishes, your own needs and your own goals. Every person has the ability to be independent, reflective, communicative and rational. The goal of my consulting is to find ways and individual possibilities in a trusting and confidential conversation to overcome current life problems and to support you in meeting and mastering new challenges.
